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Why You Should Post Short Video Content of Your Business

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

As a small business owner, it’s essential to make sure you are actively engaging with your customers on social media; they support you, so give them the attention they deserve.

One way to do this is by posting a short video of yourself talking about you and your business:

  • What your business offers

  • What products you sell

  • Showcase of products

  • What services you offer

  • Helpful tips, quick facts

  • Asking for engagement

  • Words of wisdom

  • What sets you apart

It's endless. Basically, whatever you would write in a static post, try and convert it into a video.

For one, video content is more likely to be shared than text or images. It’s estimated that people are 85% more likely to share videos they’ve seen on social media than static posts. Posting engaging videos of yourself and your business can help you reach a wider audience – something that could be incredibly beneficial for small businesses looking to expand their customer base and increase sales.

In addition, video content is a great way of showing customers that there is a real person behind your brand. By creating videos that put yourself and your business in the spotlight, you can give customers an insight into who you really are – something that can help you build trust with potential buyers.

Finally, video content is a great way of displaying the value that your business offers, whether it’s:

  • Demonstrating a product or service in action

  • Conducting an interview with experts in your field

  • Giving customers an inside look into how you run your business

By creating engaging videos, you could help expand your customer base, increase sales and build trust with potential customers. The possibilities are endless! Get filming now and see how video content could help your small business grow.

Happy filming!

The Social Media Coach x

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